Pope Francis Urges Catholic Voters to Choose the Lesser Evil in US Presidential Elections

During his return from a four-nation tour in Asia, Pope Francis commented on the 2024 US Presidential elections, encouraging Catholics to pick the “lesser evil” between candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The Pope emphasized that while both candidates have policies the Catholic Church opposes, particularly on abortion and migration, he believes it is still essential to vote. His remarks come at a critical time for US Catholic voters, who often grapple with the Church’s moral teachings when evaluating political candidates.

Pope’s Comments on Abortion and Migration

Pope Francis has long been vocal on two key issues that intersect with Catholic doctrine: abortion and migration. While reaffirming his stance that abortion is the killing of a human being, Francis highlighted that both candidates take positions contrary to the Church’s teachings. He referenced Trump’s hardline stance on immigration, labeling it anti-Christian, while criticizing Harris for her staunch support of abortion rights.

According to the Pope, the decision American Catholics face in the upcoming election is about determining the “lesser evil” based on their conscience and the Church’s moral guidelines.

Catholic Voters in a Dilemma

This guidance has placed many Catholic voters in a difficult position. Traditionally, abortion has been a dominant issue for the Church in US elections, with some bishops even going so far as to say that Catholics who support pro-choice candidates should be denied Communion. However, Pope Francis has taken a slightly more nuanced stance, encouraging dialogue over division.

pope francis

The Pope’s comments reflect his broader approach to governance, favoring compassion and understanding over rigid enforcement of doctrine. This perspective may provide Catholic voters with a different lens through which to view the upcoming election, focusing on the overall moral landscape rather than single-issue voting.

The Lesser Evil Argument

While Pope Francis has made it clear he is not endorsing any candidate, his suggestion to pick the “lesser evil” acknowledges the difficult moral choices voters must make. This approach echoes past papal guidance that has emphasized the role of conscience in decision-making. The Pope also reiterated the importance of voting, framing it as a civic duty that Catholics cannot ignore.

The dilemma for Catholic voters lies in balancing the issues of pro-life ethics with broader concerns about social justice, including the humane treatment of immigrants. Both Trump’s immigration policies and Harris’s abortion stance challenge fundamental Catholic values, leaving voters with the challenge of prioritizing one over the other.

Broader Implications for the Church

This is not the first time Pope Francis has weighed in on US elections. During Trump’s 2016 campaign, the Pope famously criticized the plan to build a wall along the US-Mexico border, saying that those who build walls instead of bridges are “not Christian.” His focus on migration as a moral issue has remained consistent throughout his papacy, positioning it alongside abortion in terms of importance to the Church.

However, the Pope’s broader teachings reflect a desire for a more inclusive and compassionate Church, which may appeal to younger Catholic voters who are increasingly concerned with climate change, economic inequality, and social justice.

As the election approaches, Pope Francis’s remarks will likely continue to stir debate within the Catholic Church, with both traditional and progressive factions grappling over which candidate aligns best with the Church’s diverse set of teachings.

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