5 Key Takeaways from the Arrest of Faiz Hameed: Former ISI Chief Faces Unprecedented Court Martial 

In a landmark event that has sent shockwaves through Pakistan’s military and political circles, the country’s armed forces have arrested and begun court martial proceedings against ISI Chief Faiz Hameed. Hameed, a towering figure in Pakistan’s military and political landscape, has long been surrounded by controversy. His arrest, which marks the first time a high-ranking former ISI chief has faced such a legal challenge, is connected to a scandal involving a housing scheme known as the Top City case. This development is not only significant for its legal implications but also for the broader impact it could have on Pakistan’s military, politics, and international relations. 

This article delves into the background of Faiz Hameed, the allegations against him, the circumstances leading to his arrest, and the potential ramifications for Pakistan’s future. 

Who is ISI Chief Faiz Hameed? 

Lt. General Faiz Hameed served as the head of Pakistan’s powerful ISI from 2019 to 2021, a period marked by significant internal and external challenges for the country. Born into a military family, Hameed quickly rose through the ranks, demonstrating both strategic acumen and a deep understanding of Pakistan’s complex security environment. 

His early career saw him taking on various key roles within the Pakistan Army, but it was his involvement in resolving the 2017 Faizabad sit-in led by the Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) that brought him into the national spotlight. The sit-in, which paralyzed the capital, was resolved through a negotiated settlement, in which Hameed played a pivotal role. This event marked him as a key player within the military, earning him both praise and criticism. 

In 2019, Hameed was appointed as the Director-General of the ISI, Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency. During his tenure, he became one of the most influential figures in the country, often seen as the architect of key military and political strategies. His role was particularly highlighted during the fall of Kabul in August 2021, where he was photographed meeting Taliban leaders at Kabul’s Serena Hotel. This meeting was widely interpreted as a symbol of Pakistan’s influence in Afghanistan, further elevating Hameed’s profile on the international stage. 

However, Hameed’s rise was not without controversy. His tenure as ISI chief was marked by allegations of political engineering, particularly in his involvement with the then-Prime Minister Imran Khan. Hameed was seen as a close ally of Khan, and his actions were often viewed as aligning with Khan’s political objectives. This close association eventually contributed to his downfall, as tensions between Khan and the military leadership, particularly with General Asim Munir, the current Pakistan Army chief, became apparent. Hameed was forced to resign in November 2022, just months before his scheduled retirement, marking a dramatic end to his military career. 

isi chief faiz hammed

The Allegations Against Faiz Hameed

The allegations against Faiz Hameed are serious and multifaceted, stemming primarily from his alleged involvement in the Top City housing scheme scandal. According to reports, Hameed is accused of abusing his authority during his tenure as ISI chief to extort money and valuables from the owner of the Top City housing development, Moeez Ahmed Khan. 

The accusations include the illegal seizure of gold, diamonds, and cash during raids on Khan’s office and residence, allegedly carried out at Hameed’s behest. Khan claimed that Hameed extorted approximately Rs 4 crore from him, using the power and influence of the ISI to coerce compliance. 

These allegations were brought to the attention of Pakistan’s Supreme Court, which ordered an investigation into the matter. The Court recognized the gravity of the situation, noting that if the allegations were proven true, they would not only implicate Hameed but also undermine the credibility of Pakistan’s key institutions, including the federal government, the armed forces, and the intelligence agencies. The court’s directive led to the formation of a committee within the Pakistan Army to thoroughly investigate the claims against Hameed. 

In addition to the Top City scandal, Hameed has also been linked to other controversial cases, including the Al-Qadir Trust case. In this case, Pakistan’s former minister Faisal Vawda accused Hameed of being the “architect, mastermind, and biggest beneficiary” of a scheme involving the illegal acquisition of billions of Pakistani Rupees and land from Bahria Town Ltd. This allegation further tarnished Hameed’s reputation and contributed to the mounting legal challenges he now faces. 

The Top City Scandal: What Led to His Arrest? 

The Top City scandal, which ultimately led to Faiz Hameed’s arrest, is a complex case involving allegations of corruption, extortion, and abuse of power. The scandal centers around the Top City housing development, a project that has been mired in controversy due to its connections with high-ranking officials and allegations of financial mismanagement. 

The case became public when Moeez Ahmed Khan, the owner of the Top City housing development, filed a petition with Pakistan’s Supreme Court. In his petition, Khan alleged that the ISI, acting on orders from Hameed, raided his properties, seizing valuables and extorting money. Khan’s allegations were serious enough to prompt the Supreme Court to take action, ordering the Ministry of Defence to investigate the matter. 

The Supreme Court’s involvement underscored the seriousness of the charges against Hameed. The Court emphasized that these allegations, if proven true, could severely damage the reputation of Pakistan’s institutions, including the military and the ISI. In response, the Pakistan Army formed a special committee to investigate the allegations against Hameed. 

After months of investigation, the committee concluded that there was sufficient evidence to warrant disciplinary action against Hameed. The army’s Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) department announced that Hameed had been taken into military custody and that court martial proceedings had been initiated. This marked the first time in Pakistan’s history that a former ISI chief had been subjected to such legal action, setting a precedent for military accountability. 

Impact on Pakistan’s Military and Politics 

The arrest and court martial of Faiz Hameed have far-reaching implications for Pakistan’s military and political landscape. This move signals a shift in how the military handles internal accountability, particularly when it comes to high-ranking officials. By taking action against Hameed, the military appears to be sending a clear message that no one is above the law, regardless of their position or influence. 

This development is particularly significant in the context of Pakistan’s ongoing political turmoil. Hameed’s close ties with former Prime Minister Imran Khan have raised questions about the military’s role in Pakistan’s politics. Many analysts believe that Hameed’s arrest is not just about the Top City scandal, but also a broader effort to distance the military from controversial political figures and restore public confidence in its integrity. 

The military’s decision to court-martial Hameed could also have implications for Imran Khan, who has been a vocal critic of the current military leadership. Khan’s relationship with Hameed has been a point of contention, with many accusing the former prime minister of using his connections within the military to further his political agenda. Hameed’s arrest may be seen as a warning to Khan and other political figures that the military is serious about enforcing accountability, even among its own ranks. 

Internationally, the arrest of a former ISI chief is likely to draw significant attention. Pakistan’s military has long been a powerful and secretive institution, and this development could be interpreted as a sign of changing dynamics within the country’s power structure. It may also impact Pakistan’s relations with its allies, particularly those with a vested interest in the country’s military affairs.


A Turning Point in Pakistan’s Military Accountability 

The arrest of Lt. General Faiz Hameed marks a turning point in Pakistan’s approach to military accountability. This unprecedented move reflects the military’s attempt to address internal corruption and reinforce its commitment to the rule of law. By taking such a bold step, the military is not only holding one of its own accountable but also sending a message to the broader public that it is willing to confront misconduct, even at the highest levels. 

This case is likely to have lasting implications for Pakistan’s military and political landscape. It highlights the delicate balance of power within the country and underscores the challenges of maintaining institutional integrity in a complex and often volatile environment. As the court martial proceedings against Hameed unfold, the outcomes will be closely watched, both within Pakistan and internationally. 

Faiz Hameed’s case serves as a stark reminder that even the most powerful figures are not immune to the consequences of their actions. It could set a precedent for how future cases of military and political misconduct are handled in Pakistan, potentially leading to greater transparency and accountability in the country’s governance. 

In conclusion, the arrest and court martial of Faiz Hameed represent a significant moment in Pakistan’s history, one that could reshape the country’s military and political dynamics for years to come. 

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